Relationships, the connection between two or many, a connecting force that has been around for centuries.
It’s a glue of emotions that is conditioned to a certain concept that we have of something we define as Love.
Through relationship we trust sometimes without a second thought, we even seem to find validation through the connection made in relationships.
For some it is the answer to never having to be alone, for others it just a question...
Have you ever thought what the world would be like if their was no relation between people, if all that remained at the end of the day was your echoing loneliness to keep you company.
Isn’t it that when God created Adam he was first alone, but then Eve was created so that he no longer had to be alone?
Eve to Adam was a companion, someone he could relate with, someone to have relationship with, a connection that brought validation and a reason of life.
So quit frankly relationship in the context of companionship and not being alone forms part of the DNA structure of mankind.
We simply were created not to be alone.
We were created for relationships, to know and be known by others.
Relationship has the ability to speak the rainbow coloured language of Love, it builds bridges between cultures, it paints a picture of Hope, it allows for community to be formed, and it even creates a bond between two people of the opposite sex, so strong that death could be the only force to ever separate them in their marriage and commitment to each other.
Relationship is the mutual agreement between individuals that is followed close by a defining friendship, which in itself leads to many adventures, memories, accomplishments and a lifetime partner with whom to discover the meaning of life.
So if said that through the existence of relationship we are able to derive that mankind was not meant to be alone, because loneliness to man would be like dying a slow death of the heart.
Is it not then as clear as daylight that we were created for a relationship with our Creator God; the beginning of all relationships…
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